The Characteristic of Biobriquette from Shell Charcoal and Coconut Husk with Crude Palm Oil Liquid Waste as Adhesive

A Yulia, H.P. Siahaan, R. Prihantoro


The aims of this research were to determine the influence of crude palm oil liquid waste as an adhesive in the making of biobriquettes from coconut shell and husk charcoal and to determine the best treatment in the making of biobriquettes. This study used a completely randomized design. The treatments were the ratio of the liquid waste of crude palm oil, coconut shell, and husk charcoal, with a ratio of 10%: 90%; 20%: 80%; 30%: 70%; and 40%: 60%. The analyses carried out on the biobriquettes were moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, calorific value, and burning rate. The ratio of the liquid waste of crude palm oil, coconut shell, and husk charcoal had a significant effect on the biobriquettes. The analysis refers to the National Standard of Indonesia (SNI), and the best result was the ratio of 10%: 90% with moisture content 3.16%, ash content 15.66%, volatile matter 23.97%, calorific value 5,950 cal/gr, and burning rate 0.1744 gr/minute.


Biobriquettes; Charcoal; Coconut husk; Coconut shell; CPO liquid waste

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